31 July 2024
I came to realize A.I. stumps over a basic math question, and I decided to investigate if it’s true.
17 July 2024
Blender 4.2 is finally officially out!
I guess I’m supposed to talk about the technical details, but really, all I want to do is fly me some spaceships and have fun.
Sorry ;p
“Voyager was pursued by Enterprise-D and met its parodic end at the hands of random Croissants in space.”
20 May 2024
Having been playing with Local A.I. models for a while, I noticed something perculir about their short comings...
They have issues with inverse math! Ha ha ha, well, at least for now, anyway.
I’ve made a video about it to take note of A.I. development at this moment in time, at least within this tiny context; the rest of A.I. are indeed awesome, and A.I. will only get better and more intelligent in time.
06 May 2024
It’s time to create a new 3D character!
As with all 3D character creations, you need to have a good Base Mesh to start with.
Hence, I might as well take this time to create a tutorial on the best way to create a Base Mesh that always leads to flowy topology: Box Modeling!
Here is the video.
05 Apr 2024
I decided to use artificial intelligence to convert the website into a more mobile-friendly version.
I recorded the entire procedure.
I ended up still having to complete most of the tasks on my own.
The recording session was fun; please feel free to check it out.
11 Mar 2024
I missed, or should I say, am rather nostalgic about the early era of website creation where I could just open up Microsoft FrontPage or Macromedia Dreamweaver and just drag and drop my way to create a website and forget about the code mess that was happening behind the scene.
Thanks to Neocities, I found a new home to host some content from my old Geocities website from back in the day that I was able to retrieve from my forgotten dusty old hard drive.
In honor of that spirit, I opened up my Macromedia Studio 8 Box Set again to reinstall Dreamweaver 8 to create this web site that you are seeing here, all done by drag and drop.
Good times.
It might be that this website will be re-coded by me or an A.I. to match modern web standards in the future, so I thought I'd provide a snapshot of how it looks now as well as a video on how this particular version was created.